1.The Globe Backpackers : (四人房一晚25元/24 HRS PICK UP)
我們是從BRISBANE出發 所以這是我們的移動計畫
是坐巴士前往!!到了GRIFFITH之後 工頭會開車來接我們!!
另外 這份工作是被通知錄取後才成行的!!
所以 可能不適合想過去等工作的朋友!!
也所以 沒有辦法 讓大家臨時加入!!
目前 也不知道之後他們還會不會缺人!!
10/18 13:15 BRISBANE'S GARDEN CITY <搭PREMIER(之前買的半年券)> ------>10/19 06:00 SYDNEY
10/19 13:30 SYDNEY -----> 17:00 CANBERRA
10/19 20:45 CANBERRA -----> 10/20 02:45 GRIFFITH
也不用一下坐那麼久!!可以稍為喘息一下 也可以瞧瞧CANBERRA囉!!
因為到GRIFFITH是凌晨了 而且要到隔天上午工頭才會來接我們!
所以 還是必須找個住的地方囉!!先PO上來 我們目前找到的!
26 Wayeela Street, GRIFFITH, NSW 2680, AUSTRALIA
0412 827 135 or (02)69 623 619
112 Binya Street, Griffith
02 6964 4236
0429 647 006
ABOUT HILLSTON: Hillston (and Willandra National Park) Hillston is unexpectedly green due to its situation on top one of the NSW's highest-producing and best quality artesian basins which irrigate a massive orange orchard, covering 350 ha. Cotton production, fruit and vegetable cultivation and vineyards are also sustained. Once occupied by the Wiradjuri Aborigines the first European presence of any permanence arrived in the form of William Hovell's 'Bellingerambil' run, licensed in 1848. The town was established in 1863 when William Hill, a stockman from the Roto station, opened an inn at the location he called The Redbank, after the Aboriginal place-name 'Melnunni', said to mean 'red soil'. It was renamed Hillston when the first post office opened in 1869 to avoid confusion with another Redbank. The new name was presumably in honour of the hotel proprietor, who had died in 1867. Two townships developed, one being a private subdivision of land owned by John McGee. Plots sold well and wheat-growing began but it was the gold at Lake Cargelligo and copper discoveries to the north which intensified interest in the area. Hillston was declared a municipality in 1888. When the railway arrived in 1923 many new settlers arrived, largely wheat-growers from Victoria. The main street of Hillston is attractive with distinctive palm trees. The community hall is also impressive. A number of the streets are named after English poets - Milton, Keats, Byron, Shelley, Herrick etc. Hillston has a golf course and holds an agricultural show each September.
Things to see: Hillston Museum Hillston Lake Willandra National Park Willandra Park covers nearly 20 000 ha and lies at the northern edge of the Riverina plain. The land is very flat, except for the occasional sand ridge. Willandra Creek winds through the park and, together with the park's wetlands, supports a waterbird population. Kangaroos, emus, small reptiles and other ground-nesting birds can be found on the open plains. There are wildflowers in spring and a weir near the homestead. Canoeing, fishing, photography and walking can all be profitably pursued. There is a vehicle track and a brochure outlining a designated walk through the natural scenery which leads past relics of European and Aboriginal settlement. This provides a good opportunity to observe the fauna which is most active in the early morning and the evening. There are also some relics near Halls Lake, a dry depression in the plain. The park can be reached via a private track which runs off the Hillston-Mossgiel Road. The office is 20 km along that track. Phone (02) 6967 8159 for details concerning camping, cabin accomodation and fees and conditions as wet weather makes the roads impassable. There is no store or kiosk.
High St Hillston NSW 2675
(02) 6967 2575
3人房 180.50元 / 4人房 197.50元/DEPOSIT 一間50元
大部份在HILLSTON工作的人 都幾乎會被工頭安排住在這裡!!
所以 自己跑來住是不行的 要工頭幫你訂才可以!!
有的工頭會安排之後每天工作的交通車 而大部份要有自己的車
一趟一人15元 只能載兩個人!!而且星期五六日不載客
所以 最好先預約!
A&V 02-69623980
RAY'S 02-69636583
3.圖書館: 可以上網
4.食:IGA 不過聽前人說....貴!!
Hillston Ex-Servicemen零 Club Restaurant
High St Hillston NSW 2675
(02) 6967 2328
Small service town in the far west of New South Wales
Despite being the largest town in Carrathool shire Hillston is basically a small country town (population 1030) which serves the surrounding wheat and wool district. 678 km west of Sydney via the Great and Mid Western Highways and 123 metres above sea-level Hillston is situated near the Lachlan River, on the edge of the outback with clay pans and saltbush plains to the north and west.
There is a museum run by the local historical society on Keats St, which runs off the roundabout entering the town from the north. Housing a wide range of antiquated agricultural equipment it is open by appointment (02 6967 2283 or 02 6967 2175).
An artificial lake built within the town supports all manner of water activities, particularly waterskiing. There are barbeque facilities and waterbirds. A swinging bridge at Hughie Cameron Park in High St priovides access to the reserve and nature walk on the southern side of the Lachlan River. Fishing and camping can be pursued along the river and the Carrathool Shire office in Goolgowi puts out a pamphlet outlining the best locations. Also within the area are Wallanthery Weir (north-east), Ballyrogan Weir (north-east) and Lake Brewster (east), constructed to control the waters of the Lachlan. At the lake is a nature reserve supporting an array of bird and animal life.
64 km north-west is Willandra National Park. The park covers one-eighth of the old Willandra station, which once spanned almost the entire distance between Hillston and Mossgiel. It was established in the mid-nineteenth century and became a famous merino stud. The restored homestead, still with thatched ramshed, stables, shearing complex and men's quarters, is an essential part of the park. It now houses a display concerning the pastoral and natural history of the district.