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Which countries will come into their own as travel destinations in 2012? We’ve collated hundreds of ideas from everyone at Lonely Planet, 
 including our extended family of travellers, bloggers and tweeters to work out the very best. This list of the top 10 countries for 2012 – in ranked order – was voted for by a panel of inhouse travel experts, based on topicality, excitement, value and that special X-factor.  

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By Bronnie Ware (who worked for years nursing the dying)

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開戶時 大家一定都會比較各家銀行的利率

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很高興的時候 可以happy happy帶過
遇到好事好物好心情 可以good good的表達

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TOEIC必考單字600 (MP3) 600 Essential Words for the TOEIC 

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