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The Dream Job – Everything You Need to Know
So, you’ve heard the news?
Everything they’re saying is true. We really are offering return flights from anywhere in the world to send some lucky adventurer around New Zealand for two months, checking out all the hottest attractions and experiencing the mix of scenic beauty and heart-stopping adrenaline rushes that make our country (we think!) the best little patch of land in the world.
If you haven’t already applied, then what the heck are you waiting for?! Jump onwww.facebook.com/arrivalmag and fill out our application form as fast as your fingers can type.
If you are in the running, then maybe you’re curious to know more about the job and Arrival itself.
About Arrival Magazine
Arrival was established by People Media Group in 1992 as a quarterly New Zealand tourism magazine, and since then has distributed over 4 million copies to keen travellers visiting the country. We provide details on all the best locations, attractions, and give readers all the insiders info for their stay.
Click here to learn more about the magazine and read some of our previous issues.
The ‘Dream Job’
We decided that the best way for our readers to learn about New Zealand was through the eyes of a fellow traveller – so we’ve decided to offer a two month, all-expenses paid position to an outgoing person who will get out there and try all that NZ has to offer; food, wine, adventure, nature … this isn’t your average relax-on-the-beach holiday, we’re looking for someone guts and a sense of adventure willing to show off their experiences to the world!
Our explorer will be sharing updates and videos via social media of their exciting escapades and discoveries – proving to people around the globe that if its awesome, you’ll find it in New Zealand.
Our Sponsers
Arrival is proud to work with many of the leading tourism providers around New Zealand. Our lucky candidate will get some sweet benefits such as:
- Free use of the latest smart phone
- A campervan at your disposal
- Access to all of the best activities – bungy jumping, jet boating, golf, beer and wines tasting and much more.
- The best to eat at New Zealand’s finest eating spots … but you won’t have to worry about putting on weight – while you will eat and drink plenty we will be keeping you busy to ensure that those calories are burned off fast!
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