

這是精心打扮後的Mrs. Jones!!

Jones fruit stall 除了特別的名片牆(世界各地的旅行社領隊 等觀光相關行業等的名片)外其實 



因為AIMIE的分享 讓我知道了這個故事!!

這幾天因為PACKHOUSE 沒有什麼事


說真的我還真的滿喜歡這個工作環境的 很輕鬆 很愉快!!

很開心 JONES的果園 Thinnig cherry picking

packhousecherry packing 還有fruit stall 我都做過了!!

Mrs jones相處的這幾天

發現她真的是個很風趣 並且親力親為 充滿親和力的長者!!



Aimie幫我把Mrs Jones的故事打下來了!! 和大家分享囉!!

下次如果經過cromwell 別忘了去 jones fruit stall!!

這是個好地方 有很多新鮮的蔬菜及水果喔!!^^

The Jones Fruit stall is famous

for the buses that roll in

It's standing room only,

with heaps of chatter and din.

For it is the fruit and cherries

that they have come to see,

From all walks and nations

eye everything with glee.

They come with their stories

and often a tale to tell,

While we in the meantime

listen, smile and do the sell.

But the story behind the Fruit Stall

started many years ago.

Some fruit trees were planted

and fruit they did grow.

Now this lady had decided

and to the road she took,

Armed with fruits, a chair

and an interesting book.

Then along came the customers

and all her fruit it went.

No time at all to read

for the time had now been spent.

Now for those that know her well,

you hear them call her name.

For it is "Mrs Jones"

that has this claim to fame.

This roadside stall has grown,

to the enterprise it is today.

A credit to a lady from Crete

who left her homeland far away.

For the fruit trees became an orchard

and even bigger still.

Now there is a packhouse

with huge rooms that chill.

So if you are a passing,

please take the time to stop.

Come see the beautiful rose garden

then meander through the shop.

For that is where you'll find

Mrs Jones is at her best.

She is the famous hostess

and you the greatest guest.

written by Margie Jones

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